Terminology plugin

Parent: DITA-OT Plugins

org.jung.terminology is a plugin for the DITA-OT for creating a DITA-based terminology database. The plugin ships specialized DITA Topics and DITA Maps, such as the <termentry> topic type. The <termentry> represents a single terminology concept and contains all metadata and all linguistic information of the terminology concept in all languages. <termentry> topics are not meant to be used or reused in a normal DITA project, they are just used for storing the terminology. It is possible to generate a terminology browser from your <termentry> topics, which allows others to navigate to your terminology. You will find several examples in the samples directory of the plugin.

If you have found a bug or want to request a feature, please raise an issue.

Main Features

  • Create and change terms easily using specialized DITA topics. The new DITA <termentry> topic represents a single terminology concept. Terminology concepts are linked together to a terminology database using the new DITA <termmap> map.
  • Author terminology concepts easily using an XML framework, which is providing author mode stylesheets, which simplify the editing of <termentry> and <termmap> topics and maps.

Quick Start Presentation: Recorded by Syncro Soft/OxygenXML Editor, DITA-OT Day 2016, Munich


The termbrowser is designed to browse through your terminology database. You can find an example generated from the provided sample files here: stefanjung.netlify.app/termbrowser. The termbrowser also contains a semantic net and displays statistics.


The termchecker is designed to search for not recommended terms in various data formats.


TBX is a data format to exchange a terminology database, e.g. to pass it to your Language Service Provider (LSP).

  • TBX-Basic — The transformation scenario TBX-Basic transforms the terminology to a TBX-Basic file. A TBX-Basic file is a lighter version of the Terminology Base Exchange (TBX) format. You can send this file to a language service provider to make sure, that the translator uses the correct terminology during translation.

  • TBX-Min — The transformation scenarios TBX-Min transforms the terminology to a TBX-Min file. The TBX-Min format is a dialect of the TermBase eXchange (TBX) format and is designed for bilingual or monolingual glossaries. You can use TBX-Min to transmit a terminology database to a language service provider (LSP). You can send this file to a language service provider to make sure, that the translator uses the correct terminology during translation. The TBX-Min format is explained in the paper TBX - Min: A Simplified TBX - Based Approach to Representing Bilingual Glossaries.



  • DITA-OT 3.x or DITA-OT 4.x
  • oXygen XML 23 or higher

Install the plugin to the DITA-OT

You can install the plugin to the DITA-OT with a single command:

dita --install https://github.com/stefan-jung/org.jung.terminology/archive/master.zip

Installing the oXygen Framework

The oXygen framework helps you to author your terminology database. It consists of oXygen styles and actions that help you create and edit terms.

  1. In oXygen XML open the menu Options > Preferences.
  2. In the preferences, open Document Type Association > Locations.
  3. Add the directory of the plugin, e.g. /home/user/workspace/DITA/dita-ot/plugins/org.jung.terminology.

Using the plugin

org.jung.terminology ships a few sample files, that show you how to create terms and create the various outputs. To test the transformations, just open the terminology.ditamap in the oXygen DITA Maps Manager and run a transformation scenario.

This page explains how to use the termchecker for DITA. The DITA Termchecker is technically a Schematron file, that searches for not recommended terms and replaces them with preferred synonyms. It is recommended add a new document type association by extending the DITA framework and create a new validatation scenario using the termchecker DITA Schematron file.

Table of Contents


The termchecker for DITA transformation supports the following parameters, that can be passed with -Dparameter=value to the dita command. You can find more information about parameters on Building output using the dita command.

Parameter Values Description
args.language de-DE Language of the terminology check rules

Publishing a Termchecker for DITA using the dita command

You can find more information about the dita command on Building output using the dita command.


dita --input terminology.ditamap --format termchecker-dita -Dargs.language=en-GB --output termchecker-dita

Publishing a Termchecker for DITA from oXygen XML

  1. Open the samples DITA map ~/org.stefan.jung.terminology/samples/terminology.ditamap in the oXygen DITA Maps Manager.

  2. In the Transformation Scenarios view, double click the entry Termchecker for DITA.

    The terminology is transformed to the Schematron file ~/out/termchecker-dita/terminology-DITA-en-GB.sch. By default, the terminology checker is generated for British English (en-GB). If you want to generate the terminology checker for another language, you have to change the parameter args.language of the transformation scenario.

  3. Create a new DITA validation scenario and refer to the generated Schematron file.

    1. In oXygen open the menu Options > Preferences.
    2. In the Document Type Association menu, select the DITA document type association and click the buttonEdit.
    3. Open the Validation tab and click the + button, to create a new validation scenario.
    4. Create a new validation scenario named Terminology and specify the Schematron schema.
  4. Create a new DITA topic.

  5. Set the xml:lang attribute of the topic to en-GB and write the word truck somewhere in the topic.
    The term violation is indicated with a small lamp icon. Click on the lamp select the Replace with an allowed termaction. This works both in text and in author mode.

    The deprecated term has been replaced.


The deprecated and the allowed term notations are defined in the truck.dita file.

<fullForm usage="notRecommended" language="en-GB">
<fullForm usage="preferred" language="en-GB">

This page explains how to use the termchecker for XLIFF. The Termchecker XLIFF (as the Termchecker DITA) is technically a Schematron file, that searches for not recommended terms and replaces them with preferred synonyms. It is recommended add a new document type association by extending the XLIFF framework and create a new validatation scenario using the termchecker XLIFF Schematron file.


Parameter Values Description
args.check.elements source, target, both Default: source Choose whether terms should be checked only in source elements or target elements or in both of them
args.language Example: de-DE Language of the terminology check rules

The DITA Termbrowser Responsive (format: termbrowser-reponsive) is a reponsive website for browsing through your terminology database.

The termbrowser responsive is based on the oXygen plugin com.oxygenxml.webhelp.responsive (com.oxygenxml.webhelp before 19.1) and is used to browse through the terminology database.


To publish the termbrowser responsive, you need to have the plugins com.oxygenxml.webhelp.responsive and com.oxygenxml.webhelp.common (since 19.1) installed to your DITA-OT. This means, you need to use the DITA-OT which is shipped with Oxygen XML (because it contains all those plugins) or you need to use the Oxygen Publishing Engine, if you want to use this on a server.

If you want to publish the termbrowser responsive via command line interface, you need an additional license, see Buy Oxygen XML WebHelp.


Parameter Values Description
args.default.language Example: en-GB Language used to generate the termbrowser labels.
args.termstats Example: ../termstats.xml Relative path to the terminology statistics (termstats.xml file). The termstats.xml file is automatically generated with each termbrowser publication. If you pass the termstats.xml from the previous build with this parameter, you can generate a chronological sequence of your terminology metadata.


dita --input terminology.ditamap --format termbrowser-responsive -Dargs.default.language=en-GB --output out/termbrowser-responsive

The transformation scenarios TBX-Min transforms the terminology to a TBX-Min file. The TBX-Min format is a dialect of the TermBase eXchange (TBX) format and is designed for bilingual or monolingual glossaries. You can use TBX-Min to transmit a terminology database to a language service provider (LSP). You can send this file to a language service provider to make sure, that the translator uses the correct terminology during translation. The TBX-Min format is explained in the paper TBX - Min: A Simplified TBX - Based Approach to Representing Bilingual Glossaries.

Parameters Values Description
args.source.language Example: de-DE (German/Germany) Source language of terminology
args.target.language Example: en-GB (English/Great Britain) Target language of terminology

The transformation scenario TBX-Basic transforms the terminology to a TBX-Basic file. A TBX-Basic file is a lighter version of the Terminology Base Exchange (TBX) format. You can send this file to a language service provider to make sure, that the translator uses the correct terminology during translation.


Parameters Values Description
args.source.language Example: de-DE The source language of the terms.
args.target.language Example: de-DE The target language of the terms.