Terminology plugin

Parent: DITA-OT Plugins

org.jung.terminology is a full-blown terminology management solution for DITA/Oxygen XML authoring environments. Technically speaking it’s a plugin for the Oxygen Publishing Engine and the DITA-OT. The plugin ships the specialized <termentry> topic type and a few others. The <termentry> represents a single terminology concept and contains all metadata and all linguistic information of the terminology concept in all languages.

You can watch the video DITA terminology management and checking from the DITA-OT Day 2016 to get a fundamental understanding of the plugin.

Main Features

  • Create and change terms easily using specialized DITA topics. The new DITA <termentry> topic represents a single terminology concept. Terminology concepts are linked together to a terminology database using the new DITA <termmap> map.
  • Author terminology concepts easily using an XML framework, which is providing author mode stylesheets, which simplify the editing of <termentry> and <termmap> topics and maps.
  • Termbrowser - Generate a responsive website for browsing through your terminology. Read more on Terminology browser
  • Oxygen Terminology Checker - Generate terminology checker rules for the Oxygen Terminology Checker Add-on. Read more on Oxygen Terminology Checker.
  • Termchecker for DITA and XLIFF - Check terminology in DITA and XLIFF files with Schematron rules. Read more on Termchecker for DITA and XLIFF.
  • Terminology Harvester - Harvest new terms from translation memories (.tmx) or XLIFF files (.xlf or .xliff). Read more on Terminology Harvester.
  • TBX/MARTIF - You can generate TermBase eXchange (TBX) files to share your terminology with your translation vendor. Read more on TermBase eXchange (TBX)/MARTIF.

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