- DITA-OT Plugins: Overview of the provided DITA-OT plugins
- Ant Contrib plugin: DITA-OT plugin providing the *ant-contrib* library for Apache Ant
- Graal VM plugin: DITA-OT plugin providing the Graal VM for excecuting JavaScript with Apache Ant
- Java Properties 2 DITA plugin: DITA-OT plugin for converting Java property files to DITA
- Release Notes plugin: DITA-OT plugin for generating release-notes from DITA topics
- Reveal.js plugin: DITA-OT plugin for generating HTML web slides using the HTML presentation framework reveal.js
- Schematron plugin: DITA-OT plugin for validating DITA-XML files with Schematron
- Terminology plugin: Terminology management solution for DITA/Oxygen authoring environments
- Terminology plugin installation: Installation instructions
- OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS): Export your terminology to an ODS file and import it after localization/review
- Oxygen Terminology Checker: Generate checker rules for the Oxygen Terminology Checker Add-on
- TermBase eXchange (TBX)/MARTIF: Share your terminology with your translation vendor as TBX files
- Termbrowser: Termbrowser of the terminology plugin
- Terminology Checker for DITA and XLIFF: Schematron rules for checking terminology in DITA and XLIFF files
- Terminology Harvester: Harvest new terms from translation memories (.tbx) or XLIFF (.xlf or .xliff) files
- Terminology plugin usage: Using the terimnology plugin
- XMLTask plugin: Plugin for the DITA-OT and is providing the OOPS Consultancy XML ask for Apache Ant